Binariva Software Apps

Quote Pengusaha Sukses 2.0.0
Binariva Software
Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan quoteparapengusaha sukses seperti Bob Sadino pendiri Kemchick, AlimMarkuspendiri Maspion Group, Eka Tjipta Widjaja pendiri Sinar MasGrup,Steve Jobs dan lain-lain. Terdapat total 114 quote daribeberapapengusaha sukses papan atas di dunia usaha dan bisnis.Fitur:- Quote acak yang muncul saat memulai aplikasi- Share Quote melalui email, whatsapp, facebook, twitter,danlain-lain.This applicationcontainsa collection of quotes of successful entrepreneurs like BobSadinoKemchick founder, founder Maspion Group Alim Markus, founderEkaWidjaja Tjipta Sinar Mas Group, Steve Jobs and others. There areatotal of 114 quotes from some of the top successfulentrepreneursin the business world and business.Feature:- Random quote that appears when starting an application- Share Quote via email, whatsapp, facebook, twitter,andothers.
Kamus Ngapak 2.1
Binariva Software
Set of words / terms and their meanings ngapak